Enchanting Ladakh
Embark on the captivating "Enchanting Ladakh" tour, an unrivaled exploration of Ladakh's beauty that unfolds in the Apricot valley of Sham, the floral haven of Nubra, and the mesmerizing Pangong Lake. Discover the essence of Tibetan Buddhism as we tour enchanting monasteries and palaces in Leh, providing a cultural introduction to this mystical region.
Our journey extends to Sham Valley, renowned for its abundance of fruits and cultural heritage. Explore the world-famous Alchi Monastery and the picturesque Moonland at Lamayuru, offering a visual feast for the senses. Delve into the allure of Nubra Valley, known as Ladakh's "valley of flowers," conquering the highest motorable road, Khardungla Pass, along the way.
In Nubra, experience the unique charm of riding Bactrian camels, visit Deskit Monastery, and witness the grandeur of the largest Maitreya Buddha statue at Deskit. A highlight of our adventure unfolds with a day trip to Turtuk Village, infusing an exclusive charm into your journey. Culminating in Pangong Lake, the tour's centerpiece, be captivated by the largest brackish lake in Asia, with two-thirds of its expanse extending into China.
"Enchanting Ladakh" promises an immersive experience, weaving together cultural richness, natural splendor, and distinctive moments that make this journey an unparalleled exploration of Ladakh's allure.
Highlights :-
- Pangong Lake
- Khardungla Pass
- Nubra Valley with Turtuk Village
- Alchi Monastery
- Moonland at Lamayuru
Itinerary ( 9 days )
Day 1- Arrive Leh
Arrive Leh. You will be received and escorted to your hotel by our representative. Complete rest is suggested for the first day. Overnight Hotel.